Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just came back from my first camp as a Cadet Officer. I tell you, really can die. The cadets will keep anybody taking them can. Now i understand what teachers got to go through to handle students.

The cadets were all secondary one, going through their first NCC camp in HQ. They didn't know anything at all, no clues to what they are going to expect and the rules & regulations. Teaching and handling them is no joke, seriously. I scolded them like don't know how many times but they still go back to their old ways. I also don't know what to do with them. Ask them to do something, it took them like double the time that they are suppose to complete. Really can die man.

Too bad for them in the end, both of the days, the sky turned dark and started to rain. CAT 1 for both days. But it also wasn't very good for us PCs. We got to find programmes to entertain them, which was like quite difficult for me. I'm not very good with impromtu things de, especially asking me to entertain people. In the end, most of the time we settled for TCS (talk cock session). I usually don't talk much de lah, is my friends and offiicers who do all the talking.

First time doing camp, wasn't as easy as I thought. But I can say it was a good experience. Things that I took for granted as an cadet is now the job of mine. I didn't know that I got to take care and do so many things. But I think I did quite ok lah, for my first time. I admit that I commited a lot of mistakes (and I mean A LOT), but I guess this is how we learn bah. Next time, I will do a better job and not commit the same mistakes again.



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