Friday, November 19, 2010

Back to school. Already 5 weeks and MST is in 2 weeks time but i'm not yet back in study mode. I haven't touched any of my work yet for the past school week. I'm wondering how am I going to pull through when it comes.

I'm really irritated when I try to plan something but in the end it gets cancelled. Bloody hell, these are efforts which people put in. Whatever the reason, it should be told early. Well, it may be my fault for having it last minute but that doesn't gives the reason to play around with it.

Conducting PDS Basic course in HQ these 3 days. I feel that the cadets were either not putting in the effort or they are just not cut out for it. So many of us have been trying to help and teach, but nothing just goes into them. When I grade them tomorrow, just wondering how many will pass?

7 days to iPhone 4! I don't think i'm going to get the Samsung Galaxy Tab anymore, though it looks damn interesting. Haha.