recieve an email from mr seah in the afternoon that i have been nominated for council president. have to do rally leh, dunno will make it anot. i can say that i have a little interest for this position lah bt i dont like the election part. public speaking leh, how?? I got stage fright...
my diary,i wrote everyday from the start but after afew days i start to slack. i can have a break of 3days then write leh. izzit ok?? or must i write everyday?? hmm...
i want to do well for my studies, i really want to. i have decieded to pull up my socks and buck up for my upcoming prelims and 'N' Level. and i heard that prelims are brought forward. means it will be super near national day. my weak subjects are my science and humanities. quite difficult for me to do well but i am still going to try to get at least Bs for all my subjects.
friendship, is a something that will last forever?? people says that during ur seconday and post secondary school days, these are the time tat where you will make the most friends. and the time where some people will be part of your life and some people will leave your life and become your memories. this is the time i am going through now. friends that i make, they are drifting further and further away. unwilling to grap the hands of people who are trying to help them. it is really sad to see people who you love and care for go astray. whose fault are all these?? their own?? it is choices people make that hurts those around them. example, someone talks to you, it is your choice to anwser the person and give them a warm reply or to just ignore them or reply in a manner which will just end the conversation straight away. so i have learn one thing from reflecting, cherish those who you love and try to open up to people who are trying to help. if you have something to do or tell someone, do it right away. dont live to regret your life. it is a very painful experience.
Pull up my socks